
Whisker Whiskers, Woe and Wisdom: A Tiny Trapped Tale

rat on the jar filled with grains
Image: Sadi, CE

Hello my young learners!

Imagine there's a little mouse, whiskers twitching with excitement, who stumbles upon a giant jar bursting with yummy grains. It's like Christmas and his birthday rolled into one! No more scrambling around looking for food, just a happy life of munching away. Sounds amazing, right?

But here's the thing: after days of nonstop chomping, our friend reaches the bottom. The jar walls look impossibly tall, and guess what? He's trapped! Now, all he can do is wait and hope someone drops more grains in, praying they might even be his favorites. Not such a tasty dream anymore, is it?
This little mouse teaches us some important lessons, kind of like riddles with big answers.

First, those super fun things right now, like mountains of candy or hours of video games? They might feel fantastic, but like the jar of grains, they can lead to big problems later. It's like eating too much cake – yummy in the moment, but not so good for your tummy afterwards.

Second, remember how comfy our mouse got, not having to hustle for his food? Well, that cozy feeling can actually be a trap. When things are always easy, we stop trying, and slowly, we lose our ability to choose and do things for ourselves. Just like muscles shrink if you don't use them, so do our choices when we get too comfy.

Third, guess what? Not using our talents and skills isn't just boring, it makes them disappear! It's like forgetting how to ride a bike if you never leave the sidewalk. So, keep playing music, drawing pictures, building towers, doing all the things that make you sparkle!

And lastly, remember our mouse friend stuck at the bottom of the jar? Sometimes, it's important to act before it's too late. If you see something not going right, or a chance to learn and grow, don't wait! Grab the opportunity like a tasty sunflower seed and make the most of it.

So, there you have it, the wisdom of a tiny mouse in a giant jar! Remember, short-term fun shouldn't trap our long-term dreams. Keep using your skills, keep chasing your choices, and most importantly, keep taking action to build a happy, sparkly future, one where you're always in control, just like a super-skilled, super-smart mouse who knows exactly where to find his next adventure!

Aminul Islam Tuku, Chief Facilitator
Centre of Excellence 
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