
Fletching Arrows, Not Shaping Clay: Leading with Unfurling Wings


Young eagles, nestled warm in their eyrie, eyes bright with nascent dreams, yearn for the day their feathers unfurl and the wind whispers promises of boundless skies. We, as leaders, stand not as sculptors molding their form, but as the patient bows, guiding their ascent, nurturing the wings that will carry them far beyond our own horizons.

Drawing on Gibran's Words:

The poet-prophet Gibran echoes this wisdom. He reminds us that our children, our young charge, are not vessels to be filled, but arrows yearning for flight. Our role is not to dictate their trajectory, but to provide the steady hand that draws back the bow of opportunity, the unwavering gaze that inspires confidence in their aim.

Shifting the Paradigm:

Leadership, in this light, transforms from controlling to empowering. We cease to be architects, dictating blueprints for lives yet unlived, and instead become midwives, gently assisting the birth of unique journeys. Our focus shifts from shaping minds to igniting them, from imposing our own wisdom to cultivating the courage for them to forge their own.

Empowering Young Leaders:

As facilitators of this center of excellence, we stand at the precipice of this exhilarating challenge. Our young leaders, brimming with potential, await not pronouncements from on high, but fertile ground in which their dreams can take root. Let us provide that fertile ground – a landscape of trust, encouragement, and unwavering belief in their capacity to soar.

A Closing Call:

Remember, eagles do not learn to fly in cages. Let us, therefore, fling open the doors of possibility, celebrate the diverse plumage of their aspirations, and trust the wind to carry them to heights we can only imagine. For in their unfettered flight, lies not just their own fulfillment, but the promise of a future painted with the vibrant hues of their dreams.

Aminul Islam Tuku, Chief Facilitator
Centre of Excellence
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